Budget Transparency
Section 18(2) of Public Act 94 of 1979 (the State School Aid Act), requires school districts to post certain information on its website within 30-days after the adoption of its annual operating budget or any subsequent revision of that budget. As such, the Annual Budget and Transparency reporting provides an opportunity for school districts to communicate with their respective communities how the resources provided are being utilized.
Section 1: Annual Operating Budget and Subsequent Revisions
Section 2: Summary of Expenditures as Expressed in Pie Charts
Section 3a-3d: Listing of Collecting Bargaining Agreements, Health Care Plans, and Audit Report
a. Collective Bargaining Agreements
c. Audited Financial Statements
Section 3 e: Procurement Policy
Section 3f: Expense Reimbursement Policy
Section 3g: Accounts Payable Register
Section 4 – Salary and Benefits for the Superintendent and Employees with a Salary Exceeding $100,000
Employee Compensation Information
Section 5 – Annual Amount Spent on Dues to Associations
Section 6 – Annual Amount Spent on Lobbying or Lobbying Services
Annual Amount Spent on Lobbying or Lobbying Services
Section 7 - Approved Deficit Reduction Plan
Approved Deficit Elimination Plan
Section 8 - District Credit Card Information
District Credit Card Information
Section 9: District Paid Out-of-State Travel Information
District Paid Out-Of-State Travel Information
Section 10: Educator Evaluation Systems Postings and Assurances
Educator Evaluation Systems Postings and Assurances
Section 11: student performance data
2022-2023 Sec. 98b Goal Progress Report Template
Learning Loss Initiatives - 98c Grant Funds
Section 12: Covid
Learning Reconfirmation Meetings and Plans
Section 13: Dashboard
Mi School Data Dashboard - The MI School Data Dashboard is a "one-stop shop" for data and Information about Michigan's public school's, districts, and regional education agencies. This dashboard makes it easy for the public to find information about schools, and to compare one school or district to another. To find Montrose Community Schools data, click the orange "Edit Report" button near the top of the page, and search for "Montrose Community Schools" to accss the district-wide and individual school data for our district.
Section 14: The 23g MICIP plan